Rapid Tests

Point-of-care tests by ORGENTEC provide quick and reliable results without extensive laboratory testing and can be performed during the examination. These rapid tests assist doctors and patients in selecting a successful therapeutic approach at the first suspicion of a disease, at the very first consultation. An abnormal test result can be followed up by immediate referral to a specialist and rapid treatment of the patient.


rheumachec®: Rapid Test for Rheumatoid Arthritis

rheumachec® rapid test is a membrane-based lateral flow assay for the rapid detection of rheumatoid factors (RF) and autoantibodies against mutated citrullinated vimentin (Anti-MCV®) in whole blood in cases of suspected rheumatoid arthritis.

rheumachec® rapid test assists the doctor in the detection of these serological markers for early rheumatoid arthritis immediately at the point of care, at the first suspicion of rheumatoid arthritis.

The test requires no laboratory equipment. A drop of capillary blood from the patient is merely applied to the test strip. A few drops of buffer solution start the test running, and after only 15 minutes, the test result shows if MCV® antibodies or rheumatoid factors are present in the patient’s blood. An abnormal test result should be followed up by immediate referral to a rheumatologist and rapid treatment of the patient.

In cases of rheumatoid arthritis, making treatment decisions early is particularly critical to successful therapy. When patients with rheumatoid arthritis are diagnosed and treated in time – preferably within the first six months of onset of the disease – permanent damage can be avoided. Sometimes the disease can be put into long-term remission.

Distributed by

ocd group GmbH & Co. KG
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 49
D-55129 Mainz, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 6131 / 9258-280
Fax +49 (0) 6131 / 9258-288
[email protected]
rheumachec® is manufactured by ORGENTEC Diagnostika GmbH Mainz, Germany


Product Number ORG 170
Tests 1 test / ORG 170-01, 10 tests / ORG 170-10
Calibration internal
Calculation qualitative
Coating MCV (mutated citrullinated vimentin), Fc fragments of IgG (human)

ORG 248   ORG 222A   ORG 222G   ORG 222M   ORG 222S



Instruction for Use
Safety Data Sheet

Document Archive

Instruction for Use Revision 1. Earlier versions and additional languages can be found in the document archive.